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Cultural and Ministry Engagement

My work explores the intersection between history, theology, and the Bible. I connect this with the real world and am passionate about engaging with culture and ministry. I reflect upon and seek to shape culture and ministry so that people flourish, grow, and make a positive impact on the world around them. I encourage those in leadership and ministry to think robustly about engaging with the culture around them. I also encourage ministry workers in their service and contribution to society.

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Born and raised in a very multicultural part of Sydney, engaging with people of different cultural backgrounds is in my DNA. I also engage with the culture of the arts, literature, music, and popular culture. As I delve into theology, history, and the Bible, I draw connections with the cultures we are a part of and how we can contribute to them and shape them for good.


I have been in Christian ministry for over twenty years and have experience in ministry in Australia and overseas, serving in various parts of Sydney and the UK in church-based ministry. I contribute to ministry as part of the faculty for the Reformanda Initiative annual conference, which is based in Rome but has an international focus. I am married to a church minister, and together we serve our local area and the people within it. I bring together culture and ministry in a variety of other contexts, including podcasts, interviews, book presentations, and public history talks.



Culture and ministry engagement examples

“10 Dead Gals You Should Know” address
Libri Per Roma public event, Rome, 2023 

"The Practice of Grace: Catherine Booth and Her Life of Grace"
"Grace in Action" conference, St Mark's Darling Point, Sydney, 2022

“10 Dead Guys You Should Know” address
Libri Per Roma public event, Rome, 2022

“Reclaiming Marriage: Risky, Renegade Reformers” 
SMBC Hot Topic series, Sydney, 2020

“Historical Framework for Understanding Catholicism”

Understanding Catholicism Today Conference, Sydney, 2018

“Roman Catholic Worldview: A Holistic, Systemic Approach”
Understanding Catholicism Today Conference, Sydney, 2017 

“Pure Freedom: Richard Baxter” 
Thinking of God Conference, Sydney, 2017

“500 Years On: The Reformation that Changed the World” 
Marrickville Anglican Church, Sydney, 2017

Three sessions on “Augustine,” “Augustine vs. Pelagius,” and “The Church from Augustine to Luther” Marrickville Anglican Church Winter School, Sydney, 2016

“Dead Guys You Should Know: Thomas Cranmer” 
Seminar, Rooty Hill Anglican Church, Sydney, 2015

“Dead Guys You Should Know: Augustine” 
Seminar, Rooty Hill Anglican Church, Sydney, 2014

“Augustine vs. Pelagius: The Fight For Grace” 
Tasmanian Christian Convention, 2013

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